It's time to
create a life
that aligns,
that fills you
with joy
& purpose.
About YOU

You used to dream of more, actually crave more. You used to think it was possible. You used to have big dreams and lots of energy. "They" say it's age, but you know this is different.
It's that constant struggle using up all your energy, burning you out. That constant struggle between success at work or success at that thing "they" call a "life". That constant struggle between who you've become, who other people now expect you to be, heck, even who you've come to expect you to be versus who you are, who you want to be.
You want the struggles to stop. You want to make choices that make you feel good because they align with who you truly are, who you want to be and that impact you want to have. You want to quiet the noise, the negativity and over-thinking party in your head.
About Me
I have been there, done that.
I became a coach because pulling the greatness out of people LIGHTS. ME. UP. And once I found what lights me up, started following it, doing more of it wherever or however I could...well, life LIT. UP.
People started calling me the Queen of Fun and telling me I was doing what I was "meant to be doing."
Living in alignment means MOST of my choices align with my greater vision for my life, for who I want to be and the impact I want to have. Even if a particular task or experience isn't my most desired, I STILL feel fulfilled, knowing it's moving me where I WANT to go.
That's what I want for you. I want you to feel joy and purpose, ease and flow, confidence and courage. I KNOW it's possible.